Introduction - How to help someone practise English
Are you a kind and well-meaning person who has the time available to help people (new migrants, refugees etc.) improve their English?
Would you like to help them practise all their skills at once?
Would you like to see them increase their confidence in using English?
The chances are high that you will have no knowledge of my method to practise English.
Because nobody I am aware of, uses this method in their practice.
In fact, nobody it seems, teaches people how to practise English.
I am at a loss to understand why, because it is so simple an idea most people overlook it as a viable method.
The origins of the method
I stumbled across it by accident while teaching English in China in about 2008.
From that point on, I used it as the introductory lesson for each class I taught ever since.
During the semester, I would throw it in to my teaching at any time.
I used it especially when I sensed the class's attention was flagging.
Because it requires active listening, it put interest in the lesson back on track.
Moreover, students struggled to say more than a few words at a time.
With my method, they would be saying the longest sentences in English. And with perfect, or almost perfect grammar.
Make sure you read the Testimonial from Amanda, one of those students from China, on my Home page.
From those results, I knew the method was effective in improving students' English.
The method is valuable to me. It is unique. I call it My 'simply better' Method. It's my 'flagship module'.
Now, I could explain the central idea of my Method to you in about five minutes.
But I cannot, and won't, because of its uniqueness and value to me.
Does the Colonel explain his recipe in his Kentucky Fried Chicken?
No, and KFC would never tell! Neither would I.
My challenge
The challenge I have, is to communicate with people whose English is not so good.
They struggle to understand my sales pitch.
Or, they think my methods are no different from all the others who sell ways to get better English.
Or even that they think that their English is good enough and needs no improvement.
How is it different?
The key difference is that I teach a way to PRACTISE English.
People who decide to get my method, have to have some level of learned English, especially grammar.
Indeed, most non-native English learners are very proficient in their knowledge of grammar.
Their teachers teach their students grammar very well.
Their main problem is that they have little or no experience in practising English.
So, this is where a native English speaker, with my Method, can give their student that vital practice. As long as they follow the method without wavering.
Extending My 'simply better' Method to IELTS.
With colleagues in a Chinese college, I helped develop an 8 week course.
It was to teach students how to attempt the General IELTS Test.
I used the method to help them prepare for the speaking and writing tests, teaching them how to practise.
As well, I coached a student who had entered a China-wide speaking competition held in Beijing. I used the Method to help her prepare.
Granted she was confident and quite fluent in English already, so it was quite easy to get her 'up to speed'.
She was as ecstatic as I was when the results came in: she had come second! I became more and more convinced and confident that my method was a real winner!
I hope I have convinced you that the method does indeed work to help someone practise their English.
The method encourages a two way 'very real' communication between student and teacher.
Why? Because more often than not you will be using 'real world' resources.
It offers unlimited opportunities for practice.
Resources are everywhere, and indeed, one's imagination is the only limiting factor.
Once you understand the concept, you will understand why there is no need for a text book.
Although text books are great resources too, not for teaching per se but sources for practice.
It is a 'lesson for life': once learned, never forgotten.
Subscribe to my Newsletter
So, if you do decide to get My 'simply better' Method, make sure you become a Subscriber to my Newsletter.
Or encourage your students to get my Newsletter for reading practice.
Subscribe by clicking the link below.
What about a 4-Step Plan?
This Module also forms the final step in My 'simply better' 4-Step Plan. It's completely FREE for the first three steps.
Get the Plan by completing the simple form at my Home page to download it.
Thanks for reading this article.
And best wishes for your wonderful and satisfying work improving people's English.
I do hope you take up this offer.
It will expand your role of teacher as you help someone practise English in a more meaningful way.
Further Reading
You can read more about how my Methods to improve students' English skills developed in this article.
© Apex English Tutoring Nov 2022 - Updated Jan 2024
About Me
Hello and welcome!
My name is Michael Finemore and I am the owner-operator of Apex English Tutoring.
As an experienced English Teacher, I'm passionate about helping people turn their 'poor' English into great English, with easy and effective ways to practice.
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