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30 Most Mispronounced Words in English

Writer's picture: michael0585michael0585

Updated: Aug 20, 2024

young dark-skinned bearded man wearing glasses uses his hands to speak to a young woman seated beside him


Learning to say English words correctly can be difficult. This is because English has so many words that don't follow the usual rules of pronunciation.

Also, some words in English come from other languages. 'Rendezvous', for example, comes from French.

Others are English place names (cities, towns, or states) that are hard to say. UK place names such as Leicester, or Worcestershire are good examples.

Even native English speakers can find English pronunciation confusing sometimes. So, you're not alone!

In this article, I'll give you 30 English words that people often say wrong. I'll teach you the right way to say them.

Here's what I include for each word:

  • the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) characters to help you pronounce it - if you know the IPA.

  • an incorrect pronunciation (not using IPA)

  • a correct pronunciation (also not using IPA)

So, whether:

  • you love learning languages,

  • you've just started to learn English

  • or you've learned English for a while,

this list will help you speak more clearly and avoid mistakes.

Here, now are the 30 most mispronounced words in English, in alphabetical order.

Accessory /əkˈsesəri/

Incorrect: ah-seh-suh-ree

Correct: uhk-seh-suh-ree

Boutique /buːˈtiːk/

Incorrect: boh-teek

Correct: boo-teek

Cache (verb) /kæʃ/

Incorrect: kash-ay (but see below)

Correct: kash

What is the difference between 'cache' and 'cachet' (both are nouns)?

A 'cache' is a group of things that are hidden, and is pronounced like "cash" or 'kaysh'.

'Cachet' can mean 'prestige', 'medicine to be swallowed', or 'an official seal', and is pronounced /ˈkaʃeɪ/ or "cash-ay."

Chaos /keɪɒs/

Incorrect: Cha-os

Correct: Kay-os

Coup /kuː/

Incorrect: koo-p

Correct: koo

Coupon /kuːpɒn/

Incorrect: que-pon

Correct: koo-pon

Cupboard /kʌbəd/

Incorrect: cup-bawd

Correct: kuh-buhd

Epitome /ɪˈpɪtəmi/

Incorrect: e-pi-toe-m (the 'e' as in 'egg')

Correct: e-pit-uh-mee

Espresso /eˈspresəʊ/

Incorrect: ex-press-oh

Correct: ess-press-oh

Film /fɪlm/

Incorrect: fill-um

Correct: fillm

Flour /flaʊə/

Incorrect: fl-ahr

Correct: flou-er (to rhyme with 'flower')

Genre /ʒɑːnrə/

Incorrect: jen-ree

Correct: zhahn-ruh

Hyperbole /haɪˈpɜːbəli/

Incorrect: high-per-bowl

Correct: high-per-buh-lee

Itinerary /aɪˈtɪnərəri/

Incorrect: eye-tin-ary

Correct: eye-tin-uh-rer-ee

Jewellery /dʒuːəlri/

Incorrect: joo-el-er-ee

Correct: joo-el-ree

Library /laɪbrəri/

Incorrect: lie-bree or lie-ber-ee

Correct: lie-brer-ee

Mischievous /mɪstʃɪvəs/

Incorrect: miss-chee-vee-us

Correct: miss-chuh-vuh-s

Niche /nɪtʃ/

Incorrect: nee-shay or nitch

Correct: nee-sh

Often /ɒfn̩/

Incorrect: off-ten

Correct: aw-fuh n or off-en

Probably /prɒbəbli/

Incorrect: prob-lee or prolly

Correct: prob-uh-blee

Pronunciation /prəˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃn/

Incorrect: pruh-noun-see-ay-shun

Correct: pruh-nun-see-ay-shun

Quinoa /ˈkiːnwɑː/

Incorrect: kee-no-ah

Correct: keen-waa

Quote /kwəʊt/

Incorrect: coat

Correct: kwoht or kwoat

Regime /reɪˈʒiːm/

Incorrect: ruh-geem or ruh-jeem

Correct: ruh-zheem

Rendezvous /rɒndɪvuːz/

Incorrect: ren-dez-vuss or ren-dez-vows

Correct: ron-duh-voo or ron-day-voo

Salmon /sæmən/

Incorrect: sal-mun

Correct: sam-un

Salon /sælɒn/

Incorrect: suh-loon

Correct: suh-lon

Saloon /səˈluːn/

Correct: suh-loon (the incorrect pronunciation of 'salon' above)

Sour /saʊə/

Incorrect: saa-r

Correct: sow-uh ('sow' rhymes with 'how' and 'now'), In the US the 'r' is pronounced as in 'tower' or 'power'.

Wednesday /wenzdeɪ/

Incorrect: wed-nez-day

Correct: wenz-day


In this article, I have presented 30 words in English that are commonly mispronounced.

I've given you the API characters that help with saying the words correctly.

And I've shown both how the words are often mispronounced and how they are said properly, using a simple form of 'sounds'.

I plan another article on more mispronounced words in the future. There are quite a few!

And, if YOU have words that you have problems pronouncing, please let me know.

PS. Use these 30 words to get you started practicing with the free Exercise below.

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Boost Your Pronunciation: Grab My Exclusive Freebie Now!

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This is even better!

The freebie above is a way to 'test the waters' - to see if the Pronunciation Exercise I offer you actually works.

And if you read the sequence of emails I sent to you, I'd end up suggesting that you buy My E-book. Here's the cover.

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If you have bought My 'simply better' Pronunciation Method, this is the perfect 'companion'.

It provides 11 exercises you can learn to practice with the Method.

Moreover, because the Method teaches you how to LEARN correct pronunciation, my E-book provides the means to PRACTICE correct pronunciation.

A different way to get better pronunciation

Learning to read and write phonetics is another way to get better pronunciation. English words are 'translated' into phonetic sounds - phonemes - to help you pronounce those words correctly.

You can see the phonetic 'scripts' for the pronunciation of the words above.

The free lesson that I offer here will get you started on phonemes.

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To get it you need to subscribe. Complete the form after you click the button below.

© Apex English Tutoring - May 2024 - Updated August 2024

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My name is Michael Finemore, and I am the Owner-Operator of Apex English Tutoring.

As an English Teacher with about 20 years experience, I love doing what I do - helping people get better English with methods to practice that I totally believe work.


They'll work for you too.

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