My 'simply better' Spelling Method
Eager to improve your spelling of English words?
Do you keep checking the spelling of words every time you want to use them?
Don't know how to get better spelling?
Wondering if you'll EVER get better spelling?

My 'simply better' Spelling Method is quick and easy to learn and, when followed exactly, will give you Unlimited Practice.
Your spelling will become better.
Never, ever misspell a word in English (or any language) again.
Here's what you'll get:
A collection of PDFs that follow a sequence to help you learn.
READ ME FIRST - a welcoming message that helps you understand what to expect in the Method.
There's also:
The Problem of Homophones PDF
​Dorch Sight Words PDF
My 'simply better' Spelling Method - Part 1 - Learning about Spelling PDF
My 'simply better' Spelling Method - Part 2 - Learning the Method.
Practicing Recognising the Dorch Sight Words while Reading PDF
Word List for Spelling PDF

If I've convinced you, then click that big blue button to buy it Now.
If not, please read on.
Within five minutes of learning my Method, you will be practicing the spelling of difficult words.
Plus a way to check that you've learned how to spell them correctly.
You will feel so good!
Read what Roberto from the Philippines says about My 'simply better' Spelling Method:
"My spelling used to be so bad. I still have some problems but I know how to remember hard words now."
If Roberto's words have helped you decide, then click that big blue button below to buy the Method now.
Or read on for more.
But wait! There is more!
I have two BONUS METHODS for you.
BONUS #1 How to Use ChatGPT to Generate Dorch Sight Words
BONUS #2 Spelling Bees - MP3 audio files to practice listening and spelling
I also offer you FREE and Unlimited Learning Support. English coaching at its best!
Chat with me on Facebook Messenger.
Or I am an email away.
Ready to get started? Click the big blue Buy Now button.
But, maybe you're thinking:
Well it all sounds great, but will it REALLY fix my bad spelling?
Getting better at spelling won't happen over night.
The Method is not a silver bullet.
You do have to work hard.
But, because you will have a Method that's easy to learn and remember, and as long as you follow the Method exactly as I show you, you WILL get better at spelling the more you practice.
Gradually, spelling correctly will come more naturally to you. And you will be more confident in your spelling abilities.
Read what Amanda says:

"​Michael taught me English in China in 2015. He taught me a way to learn to spell - and to remember how to spell difficult words.
My English spelling improved a lot.
I would highly recommend his method to anyone who wanted to improve their spelling of English words."
A Great Learning Experience
You've now heard what the Method offers you. Plus TWO Bonus Methods and all the resources you'll need to complete and start practicing your spelling.
The way I have set out the course is supposed to give my students a great learning experience.
I want the best outcome for you.
I can't wait to be chatting with you and seeing how far you've come.
This Method (like all my Methods) is absolutely unique: nobody else teaches it. I don't know why. I am just so pleased I can offer it to my students. I know it works and it will work for you too.
Maybe you have questions...
​Here are some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1 Is this course suitable for beginners?
It's not suitable for beginners. If you can understand basic English, you’ll do very well.
2 When does the course start?
There is no start and finish time. Work at your own pace.
The quicker you start, the sooner you can start practicing.
3 How long do I have access?
How does Lifetime Access sound?
If you need to, ask me to send you a new link to download the Method again.
4 What if I am unhappy with the Method?
I'd never want you to be unhappy. Reach out to me and explain your problems and I will try to help you. Here's my email.
You’re here because you want to improve your English spelling and I am confident your spelling will improve with the Method.
This is a Digital Product.
It's difficult to prove that you have not benefited from the Method.
CLICK to Read my Policy on Refunds and Returns in Terms and Conditions.
5 Do you offer any discounts?
Subscribers to my Newsletter get exclusive access to a Promo Code that gives a 20% Discount. It can be used for all of my Methods and can be used at any time.
If you haven't already, I urge you to Subscribe now.
You can subscribe here. Just Click.
As a new subscriber, you WILL get all my Basic English and Mini-Lessons.
Come back with your Promo Code to buy. Or email me and I will send it to you asap
If you have other questions, please ask me.​
About Me

My name is Michael Finemore, and I am the Owner-Operator of Apex English Tutoring.
As an English Teacher with about 20 years experience, I love doing what I do - helping people get better English with methods to practice that I totally believe work.
They'll work for you too.