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Get Your 4-Step Plan to Get Great English


Scrabble tiles spell out 4 step plan to get great English on orange background

Not sure how to get better English?

You've tried everything - but nothing you do seems to be improving your English?

I can help you!

I've created My '4-Step Plan to Getting Great English' just for people like you.

And it's completely free!

All you have to do is follow each of the 4 clear and easy Steps and before long, your English will start becoming much better than it is right now.

Here's the process... from Submit to Success

Complete the form at the bottom of this page.

image of a form to complete with name and address shown

Check the box - "I am not a robot"

image of pop up recaptcha for verification

Then, this page will appear.

image shows text reading SUCCESS above image of scrabble letters spelling out 4 step plan to get great English on orange background

What happens next?

Click the Button 'Open Your Plan Here' and your free Plan will download INSTANTLY!

You'll also get an email with a 'Click to Confirm your Subscription'.

  The email usually takes a minute or two to come through, but sometimes it takes a little longer.


  If, after a day, and you did not get the SUCCESS message, only then you should resubscribe.

ALSO - I will be notified when you sign up.

I'll email you a personal message.

It could be within minutes, a few hours or even a day later.

I might be asleep when you subscribe.

 Do check your SPAM FOLDER and/or PROMOTIONS TAB in case emails from me are there!

And add me to your Safe Senders List please. Then, my emails will always land in your In-box.

Now, please complete the form and click Submit.

Complete the Form to Get Your 4-Step Plan

Man wearing long sleeved striped green shirt talks on mobile phone

About Me


My name is Michael Finemore, and I am the Owner-Operator of Apex English Tutoring.

As an English Teacher with about 20 years experience, I love doing what I do - helping people get better English with methods to practice that I totally believe work.


They'll work for you too.

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