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Who am I?


Read this to learn how I can help you get better English.

"Let me help you to the top!"

Hi, thanks for taking a look at my 'about' page.

I'm Michael. But you can call me 'Mike' for short. My Dad does!


You know, I hate talking about myself, but I have to.

I want you to know more about me.


And I guess you also want to know how I can fix your English.

I answer that question everywhere on my site.


So, instead of this being all about me, let's talk about YOU for just a little bit.


If you want to improve your English, you've come to THE RIGHT PLACE.


Let's see if that's true.


If you want...


  • better English than you have now

  • a simple Plan to help get you there

  • an easy and effective way to practice

  • ways to get better English that aren't weeks or months of learning

  • an enjoyable learning experience with methods that work

  • someone who knows from experience how to get you better English


If you are nodding your head at these, then you are in THE RIGHT PLACE.


If, however, you want to get better English:


  • by taking regular classes that take weeks or months

  • by paying lots of money for each class

  • by filling your head with vocabulary you'll never ever need

  • or don't mind tearing your hair out at your lack of progress ...


Then, you'd definitely be in THE WRONG PLACE!


If you're still here, that's wonderful!

I need to know you are sure that you are in the right place to improve your English.

And you need to know that as well.



It's my turn.


Before I give you all my credentials and qualifications and experience, let me tell you about myself.

I'll start with my hobbies and interests.


I like lots of things, so it's hard to know where to begin.


I'm not a sporty person but I like swimming, riding my bike, and ten-pin bowling.


I enjoy gardening. I have a small patch where I grow tomatoes, pak choi, spring onions, beans, snow peas, and a variety of herbs (rosemary, basil, parsley and mint).


I play guitar - badly! And my singing is even worse. I do remember singing and playing guitar for a class in China - The Australian 12 Days of Christmas, and You are My Sunshine. Everyone was very kind.


Cooking (I make a fantastic pizza!), reading good novels, playing chess, listening to music, and cryptic crosswords are some of my other passions.


My 68th birthday is this year, but I feel much younger. I try to eat well, but I know I need to do more exercise.

I don't know what else to say about myself, so I will stop.


Now, I'll tell you how and when I established Apex English Tutoring.


After that you can read about (and see) my academic qualifications, my credentials, and my teaching experience, both in Australia as well as in China.




I taught English in China for fourteen years. In early 2018, I returned to Australia and founded Apex English Tutoring.

I decided not to teach beginners. There are already many, many well established operations that teach learners of English.

I discovered a niche in the English teaching field.


I focused on helping people with 'fair' or 'OK' English improve.


I would do this by teaching SIMPLE WAYS to PRACTICE English.

Based on my teaching experience, I offer the same methods I used in China at Apex English Tutoring.


 I am convinced that my methods are unique.


Why? I know of no other teachers using my methods.


I am passionate about my methods because I know they work in "simply better" ways.

"I know my methods will work for you!"

"I believe in my methods! And so will you!"

When you get them, and start practicing with them, you will see your English skills improve.


Everyone should be practicing English this way.

My "simply better" Methods are 'self-teaching'.

If you can read English, then you can learn my Methods.


 I do offer 'after sales service' as Learning Support.


 And remember, every one of my Methods comes with Lifetime Access.





My name is Michael Finemore. I am an Australian man  - a native English speaker - living in Mildura in NW Victoria, Australia.


 My Australian experience in tertiary teaching includes:


University tutoring (in Sociology and Cultural Technologies)

Guest lecturing

Essay marking


I've taught Conversational English in China:


  • kindergartens

  • primary and middle schools 

  • colleges and universities 


I helped develop an 8 week short course in IELTS preparation in one of the colleges.


I've done:


  • workshops in debating 

  • ​classes in English pronunciation


I've also: 


  • trained Chinese English teachers in my way of teaching.

  • taught groups of adult learners in a small range of industry contexts in China. (2002 - 2018) 


I was a Volunteer Tutor at TAFE Queensland in the late 1990s.

I worked one-to-one, helping students' English literacy and numeracy skills. (1998).






​Master of Arts (Research) CQU   1996-2002

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) CQU       1995

Bachelor of Arts CQU                   1992-1994


TESOL/TEFL Certificate, Hangzhou, China  2010


Certificate III in Volunteer Tutoring (Literacy) Wide Bay Institute of TAFE, Bundaberg 1998

MA degree certificate Michael Finemore
Michael Finemore TEFL Certificate 2010


My Master of Arts Thesis is stored on Trove Australia.


I delivered conference presentations and wrote published papers on my research. So, I have good presentation skills.


A chapter based on my MA Thesis was published (internationally) in Burch, D., Goss, J., and Lawrence, G. (Eds) (2020) Restructuring Global and Regional Agricultures: Transformations in Australasian Agri-Food Economies and Spaces (first published 1999).

ISBN 9781138329003       



Burch Goss Lawrence_Restruct Agriculture 2020 cover of book


My ABN (Australian Business Number)                     54451345535


My Business address: 471 Sturt Highway, Mildura South, Victoria, Australia 3501



So, there you have it. Now you know all about me and my business.

And you know now, based on my experience, how I can help you improve your English - with easy, effective, and proven ways to practice the English you know.

Great Freebies - Just For You to Help You Get Great English

scrabble tiles spell out 4 step plan to get great English on orange background

Want to improve your English?​

You need a Plan to get there and I have it.​​

Get it Today! It's FREE!

Want to learn an unusual way to practice your pronunciation? 

Free Offer!

Get it in seconds!


group of people chatting below text saying an unusual exercise to get better pronunciation
cartoon man speaks in phonetics below title readiing Get better Pronunciation a beginners guide to phonetics on orange background

Learn phonetics easily with this free lesson to help you learn to say any English word.


Free Lesson.

Grab it today!

Take my FREE Reading Comprehension Test.


Do the Test then know your score to see how well you can understand written English.

Don't wait, get tested today.

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